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Educational and ideological work


Educational work in the branch of the BSUIR RTO is carried out by highly qualified specialists, teachers, curators with a long experience in teaching and experience in working with young people.

A special place in the education of students in the branch of BSUIR RTO is given to curators of study groups. RTOs have created a number of regulatory and legal documents for the work of the curator: regulations on the curator, the work plan of the Council of curators, journals of curators. The curator is appointed by order of the director from among the full-time teachers for the entire period of study of students.

The Deputy Director for educational work with youth organizes and conducts methodological associations of curators twice a semester. In the course of their work, methodological assistance is provided to curators in the formation of an asset of students in study groups, the development of various forms of self-government, coordination of their work, assistance is provided to the organization of self-knowledge, self-education and creative self-development of a student on the basis of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which curators conduct together with socio-pedagogical and college psychology department.

The curator is responsible for the state of the moral and psychological climate in the group of students and individual preventive work. The curators of the study groups are working to identify students who are in adverse life circumstances (low-income, from single-parent families, having health problems and experiencing stressful situations).

Curators of study groups annually draw up plans and reports on educational work. They reflect all areas of educational work in accordance with the Concept of continuous education of student youth of the branch of BSUIR RTO. The curator's journal of the study group is the main reporting document reflecting the organizational, methodological, analytical work on all types of activities with students in the supervised group. There is a practice of holding "parental days", when the parents of students receive full information about the educational and extracurricular activities of their children.

In order to study pedagogical experience, open curatorial hours are held, the maintenance of planning and reporting documentation is analyzed, and the competition of pedagogical skills "Teacher of the Year" is held annually. The purpose of the competition: activation and improvement, including the educational work of college teachers, exchange of experience, identification and implementation of innovative approaches in educational work with students.

Planning ideological and educational work

The main mechanism for organizing ideological and educational work in the branch of BSUIR RTO is its planning, which is carried out in accordance with the main provisions of the ideology of the Belarusian state, the principles of state policy in the field of education, the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, the Concept of Continuous Education of Children and Students in the Republic of Belarus, Laws of the Republic of Belarus "On the rights of the child", "On state support of youth and children's public associations in the Republic of Belarus". Much attention in the college is paid to ideological work with the teaching staff and other categories of employees, providing a new quality, consistency and content of the work.

Technologies used in educational work

In the branch of the BSUIR RTO, an information and propaganda group is annually created from among the management staff, teachers of social and humanitarian disciplines, curators of study groups.

Unified information days are held every third Thursday of the month on topics approved by the Minsk City Executive Committee, in addition, weekly information is provided for students.

A socio-pedagogical and psychological service has been created, aimed at helping students in overcoming personal problems, training in communication, personal growth. A psychological lounge has been organized, the activity of which is aimed at the formation of the psychological culture of students, the dissemination of psychological knowledge, the formation and development of practical skills for preventing offenses and solving psychological problems, expanding ideas about the possibilities of practical psychology and practical psychologists, studying the causes of problems among students, conducting psychological research, councils, consultations.

Training of students of the BSUIR RTO branch using the latest computer technologies is carried out, first of all, by the cycle commission of the POIT. Computer telecommunications, information resources and Internet services, multimedia complexes contribute to the involvement of students of the BSUIR RTO branch in an active cognitive and educational process, provides free access to the necessary information (mainly through dedicated Internet lines) in order to form their own reasoned opinion on a particular problem, the possibilities of its comprehensive study, which allows wider use of the possibilities of new information technologies in the organization of the educational process.

Additional possibilities of information technologies in the educational process are opened when using multimedia technologies in educational activities. Monitoring is carried out annually (determining the level of quality and effectiveness of ideological and educational work), which allows you to study the process and see the result of educational work, obtain operational and comparative information for making managerial decisions and makes it possible to adjust the direction of efforts of the teaching staff in the near future.

Conducts monitoring of the SPPS branch of the BSUIR RTO, which carries out a survey and analysis of the results, as well as involves self-government bodies in organizing the process of questioning and calculating the results. The object of the study is a sample of students of the branch of BSUIR RTOs of different courses of full-time departments. When analyzing the results, the gender aspect is taken into account, age dynamics, professional differences and pedagogical continuity are traced. Monitoring covers about 70% of students.

Development of student self-government

The result of students' self-government activities directly depends on the degree of pedagogical support and support by the administration of the branch of BSUIR RTO, heads of departments, and teachers. The main activities of the college self-government bodies: participation in the improvement of the educational process; development of legal culture; the formation of a civic position; creation of conditions for improving the material and living conditions of students living in a hostel, social protection; organization of meaningful leisure and physical culture and health work, volunteer and charitable movement; holding cultural events.

One of the priority areas for the development of self-government in the branch of BSUIR RTOs is the innovative technology of visiting seminars "Leader Today – Leader Tomorrow" on the principle "Equal teaches equal" for students of a new set.

On the initiative of the self-government of the branch of the BSUIR RTO, the volunteer group "Step Toward", charitable events are organized for pupils of preschool educational institutions of the Savetsky district of Minsk. Sports holidays, concerts and dance evenings, actions to collect things for children from orphanages and social and pedagogical shelters, in which not only students, but also teachers and employees of the BSUIR branch of the RTO take part, have become traditional. Joint events are organized with the public association "Belarusian Children's Hospice" to visit children with disabilities.

Education of the civic culture of the personality of students

Civic culture, according to the Concept of continuous education of children and young students in the Republic of Belarus, is manifested in such integrative qualities of a person as citizenship and patriotism. Citizenship characterizes the relationship of the individual with society and the state; allows you to feel legally, socially, morally and politically literate and capable. Citizenship is closely interconnected with patriotism, which is expressed in love for the Motherland, respect for its historical past, responsible attitude to the present and future, readiness to defend the interests of the Fatherland.

The content of educational work on the formation and development of citizenship, patriotism of students of the BSUIR RTO branch is focused on the assimilation of universal humanistic values, cultural and spiritual traditions, the ideology of the Belarusian state, the development of the ability to combine their personal interests with the interests of others, the state and society as a whole, the formation of readiness for performance civic duty, the need to work for the benefit of society. This direction is implemented through educational and extracurricular activities of the branch of BSUIR RTO.

Technologies of education of citizenship and patriotism in college:

  • The inextricable link between education and training, which is manifested in the structuring of the content of academic disciplines from the standpoint of the formation of civic culture and civic competencies;

  • Introducing students of the branch of BSUIR RTO to the system of state values ​​of the society;

  • Formation of a sense of pride for one's country and readiness to fulfill the social role of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus;

  • The development of students' interest in the political life of society, the need to acquire political knowledge, skills and abilities of a public figure; the inclusion of the individual in accessible social and civic activities, in the process of which the formation of a sense of patriotism takes place;

  • Study of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, which creates conditions for democracy and civil accord, free and worthy development of the individual;

  • Education of respect for state symbols, college traditions (flag, anthem of the Republic of Belarus); government authorities of the country.

According to the results of monitoring the effectiveness of the ideological support of educational work in the branch of the BSUIR RTO, the majority of students (about 92%) feel love for the Motherland, their people, respect for its history and culture, are proud of the achievements of our country and wish to see Belarus as a prosperous state. At least 80% of students know the main provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the foundations of the ideology of the Belarusian state, respect the traditions of the college. More than 50% of students believe that the necessary conditions for professional and personal development and self-realization have been created in our country. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the students of the branch of the BSUIR RTO have formed the qualities of a citizen and a patriot; they are interested in the life of the republic, tend to take an active civic stand and exercise their civil rights, in particular, the right to participate in elections.

Prevention of delinquency of students

Prevention of offenses is carried out in accordance with the plan of the Commission for the Prevention of Offenses among Students, according to which theoretical issues are discussed monthly (“On the state of educational and preventive work on the problems of smoking”, “Socio-psychological diagnostics, assistance to students of a new set in adapting to learning conditions”, “On the organization of the preventive work of the dormitory council and the results of raids-checks on compliance with internal regulations”, etc.), as well as the facts of offenses are considered.

Joint meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Offenses among students of the branch of the BSUIR RTO and the Council of the hostel are held.

Interaction with the IDN, health authorities, police, departments for working with youth has been ensured, an agreement has been signed.

Issues of academic performance, attendance of classes and compliance with internal regulations by students are regularly analyzed. Issues of organization of study and leisure of students living in a hostel are taken under special control.

A card index has been created and constant work is being carried out with students prone to deviant behavior. These students are under special supervision.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle culture

As part of the implementation of state programs for the prevention of asocial phenomena among young people and with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle, a comprehensive program for the prevention of illegal behavior and bad habits among students is being developed at the BSUIR RTO branch. The purpose of the comprehensive program is to present all the possibilities of the college for the formation of a mentally healthy, physically developed, socially adapted person. Effective use of health-saving innovative technologies, improvement of the system of physical education based on the implementation of an individual approach to students.

Traditional campaigns and preventive measures are: preventive action to combat alcoholism "Alcohol and health are incompatible"; preventive actions for the World No Smoking Day, within the framework of the World No Tobacco Day – "Breathe freely!", "Quit smoking and win!", "Together against cancer – together in the fight for life", "Smoking and sports are incompatible", "Life without tobacco”, “Overcome yourself”, etc.; preventive actions for the World AIDS Day: “Young people say NO to AIDS!”, “Athletes against AIDS”, etc.; a training seminar on the training of trainers of multipliers to work on the principle of "An equal trains an equal"; preventive actions within the framework of the International Day against Drugs: “Do not extinguish life!”, “We are against drugs”, “Youth is for a drug-free future!”; preventive actions “Stop tuberculosis – breathe freely!”; preventive campaigns “Healthy Heart!”, “Your Health is the Health of the Nation”, “Belarus for a Healthy Lifestyle”, “Young Generation for a Healthy Lifestyle”, “Eat Right!” and etc.; the action "Let's not leave without attention every mother, every child!", dedicated to the Republican Mother's Day, Mother's Week; annual "Autumn" and "Spring" track and field cross-country among groups of junior students; curatorial hours on the topics: “Drug addiction. Investigation and consequences”, “The whole truth about smoking”, “Bad habits and fight against them”, “Beer and human health”, “Stop AIDS. Fulfill the promise”, etc.; meetings with narrow specialists of polyclinics in Minsk. Implementation of the preventive project "My lifestyle today – your health and success tomorrow".

The following associations of interest (sports sections) work in the branch of BSUIR RTO: “Power gymnastics”, “Arm wrestling”, “Shooting training”, “Conscript, pre-conscript”.

Working with gifted youth

A database of gifted youth of the branch of BSUIR RTO has been created and is being replenished. Subject Olympiads are held annually, students of the branch of BSUIR RTO also take part in city, district and republican Olympiads. The winners of these Olympiads compete at international competitions and olympiads.

In order to form students' aesthetic taste, develop meaningful leisure skills, and introduce them to artistic creativity, amateur art competitions "Dare, freshman", "Miss and Mister RTO" are held; festival of KVN teams under the motto "Cup of Humor".

Students take part in the annual city patriotic festival of pop art in the nomination – "Pop song".

The work of youth organizations

The Cabinet of Educational Work with Youth, in cooperation with self-government bodies, has created optimal conditions for the implementation of socially useful initiatives of students. The trade union organization of the branch of BSUIR RTO acts in a creative partnership, the purpose of which is to protect the socio-economic and legal interests of students. The trade union organization of students holds mass events, such as excursion trips around Belarus, cultural programs, social projects.

PO NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" implements its statutory tasks through a system of activities aimed at the formation of an active life position of citizenship and patriotism. The total involvement of young people in the Belarusian Republican Youth Union is about 35% of the total number of college students.

The mechanism for the inclusion of students in the activities of public organizations and self-government is project activity:

  • creative projects : "Knowledge Day", "Dare, freshman";

  • developing projects : "School of Leadership"; "Teambuilding – new names"; "MRK TV";

  • educational projects : "Laboratory of Ideas";

  • social projects : "RTOs for children", "Let's build the future together";

  • a project to promote a healthy lifestyle : "My lifestyle today – my health and success tomorrow!";

  • volunteer projects : "Step forward".