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Electronic computing facilities

Attention! Recruitment for the specialty is no longer carried out.

About the specialty

Specialty code 2-40 02 02
Entrance tests average score competition for educational documents
Specialist qualification electronics technician
Form of education day-time
Duration of training ABOUT: 3 years 9 months

Basic functions of a specialist

  1. participation in the design, production, operation of electronic computing tools;

  2. participation in the design of programmable electronic computing tools in application packages Altium Designer, MultiSim, Proteus;

  3. use of computer-aided design tools and methods in the development of digital devices (AutoCAD);

  4. software development for microprocessor systems (MPLAB IDE, ARDUINO IDE);

  5. participation in solving problems of operation, diagnostics and repair of various computer equipment and electronic devices;

  6. performing work in one or more worker professions.

The study of disciplines of general professional and special cycles begins with the second year (basics of algorithmization and programming, fundamentals of logical design, programming of microprocessor systems).

The specialization cycle includes the study of the following disciplines:

  • Технические средства информатизации
  • Техническая эксплуатация электронных вычислительных средств
  • Защита информации
  • Программное обеспечение компьютерных сетей и Web-серверов.

Specialty 2-40 02 02 “Electronic Computing Tools” is today promising, in demand in the labor market, 100% of graduates are employed.

The educational process ensures obtaining the qualification of a specialist “Electronic Technician” and one of the qualifications of a worker “Installer of radio-electronic equipment and devices” of 3-4 categories.

The specialist's areas of professional activity are:

  • organizations of various forms of ownership that have EMU;

  • organizations that carry out the development, production, maintenance and repair of electronic devices for various functional purposes.

Департамент охраны МВД Республики

Минская центральная таможня

ЗАО "Итранзишен”

ОАО “Интеграл”

ОАО “ММЗ имени С. И. Вавилова” – управляющая компания холдинга “БелОМО”

ООО “ЕСЦ” ООО “Кенфордбел”

The uninterrupted functioning of electronic computing tools is the key to the successful operation of any enterprise. This is ensured by timely maintenance of electronic computing devices, microprocessor systems and peripheral equipment.

Electronics technicians work in the development and maintenance of electronic instruments and devices: in any modern enterprises where there is a fleet of household and office equipment, in specialized workshops for the repair of electronics and microelectronics, in research institutes, in military organizations, in educational institutions of technical profile.