Тамара Викторовна
The Cycle Commission for Social and Humanitarian Subjects was established on 09/01/2015 as part of the reorganization of the MSHRC into the UO BSUIR, a branch of the MRC and ensures the conduct of educational, methodological and educational work.
The structure of the cyclic commission of social and humanitarian subjects includes 4 sections :
The number of members of the cyclic commission in the 2022-2023 academic year is 20 people (14 full-time teachers, 4 internal part-time teachers, 2 external part-time teachers).
Study subject | Teacher | Title | Details |
Альшевская Анжелика Михайловна | Консультация | Ср, 15.35 – 17.15. |
Блинова Елена Николаевна | Консультация | Пт, 15.35 – 17.15. |
Бобко Елена Анатольевна | Консультация | Ср, 13.55 -15.30. |
Экономические предметы | Викторова Анастасия Анатольевна | Консультация | Пн, 12.10-13.40. |
Белорусский и русский языки и литературы | Докучиц Валентина Григорьевна | Консультация | Сб, 13.55 – 15.30. |
Козак Тамара Викторовна | Консультация | Ср, 13.55-15.30. |
Кондик Ксения Александровна | Консультация | Пт, 15.50 – 17.25. |
Косцова Алёна Андреевна | Секция | Вт, 13.55 – 15.30. |
Иностранные языки | Кузнецова Наталья Борисовна | Консультация | Пн, 14.45 – 16.35. |
Маркевич Марина Леоновна | Консультация | Пн, 13.55-15.30. |
Социально-гуманитарные предметы | Масол Ольга Петровна | Консультация | Пн, 15.50-17.25. |
Нестеренко Светлана Мартиновна | Консультация | Пн, 14.45 – 16.35. |
Романюк Майя Юрьевна | Консультация | Пт, 13.55 – 15.30. |
Самсонова Дарья Александовна | Консультация | Пн, 14.45 – 16.35. |
Самсонова Татьяна Анатольевна | Консультация | Пн, 14.45 – 16.35. |
Самсонова Татьяна Анатольевна | Консультация | Ср, 13.55 – 15.30. |
Чикун Екатерина Олеговна | Консультация | Чт, 12.10-13.40. |
Чуманевич Елена Владимировна | Консультация | Вт, 13.55 – 15.30. |
The teachers of the commission train students in 17 academic subjects at the level of general education and general professional secondary specialized education of full-time and part-time forms of education and in 3 compulsory optional classes:
Training of students is carried out in all specialties:
2-39 02 32 "Design and production of radio electronic means"
2-39 02 31 "Technical operation of radio-electronic means"
2-40 02 02 "Electronic Computing Tools"
2-41 01 02 "Micro- and nanoelectronic technologies and systems"
2-40 01 01 "Information technology software"
2-39 03 02 Programmable Mobile Systems
To conduct training sessions, 7 classrooms and 1 multimedia laboratory are assigned to the cyclic commission of social and humanitarian subjects:
No |
Name of the office, laboratory |
No. office, laboratories |
1 |
Cabinet of Belarusian Language and Literature |
313 |
2 |
Cabinet of Russian Language and Literature |
205 |
3 |
Cabinet of History, Social Science, Law and Social Sciences and Humanities |
214 |
4 |
Multimedia laboratory of foreign languages |
418 |
5 |
Foreign Language Cabinet |
420 |
6 |
English room |
420a |
7 |
English room |
422 |
8 |
Cabinet of Fundamentals of Economics, Management, Entrepreneurship and Project Management, Technical Communication and Team Building |
305 |