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Memory lesson “The bells of Khatyn are ringing”
Изображение №1
Изображение №1
Изображение №2
Изображение №2
Изображение №3
Изображение №3

On March 22, the cycle commission of social and humanitarian subjects held a memory lesson “The Bells of Khatyn are Ringing” at the college museums. The event was attended by students from study groups 3k9091, 3k9391, 3k9392 and 3k9394. A student of group 2k9393 Kurolyonok Karina told the children about one of the most tragic episodes during the Great Patriotic War on the territory of Belarus – the burning of the village of Khatyn.
Particular attention was paid to getting to know the Khatyn memorial complex. Students learned that the complex is a repetition of the layout of the burned village. The children were told what the central sculpture of the composition “The Unconquered Man” symbolizes, who became the prototype of this sculpture, and what the obelisks in the form of a chimney at each former farmstead say.
Historical memory is one of the important acquisitions of civilization. As long as people remember past experiences, human society has the opportunity to develop and improve. The memory of the tragic events of the war calls for responsibility for peace on earth today.